Into the Cloud

Join your favorite NetSmartz characters on a new adventure!
Into the Cloud™ is NCMEC’s flagship online safety product for children ages 10 and under. Using data from actual CyberTipline reports, each episode of Season 1 focuses on a different element of online safety, from strategies for handling cyberbullying to recognizing and reporting unsafe/inappropriate interactions and content. Season 2 focuses on preventing online exploitation, reporting, and removing inappropriate content online.
Season 3, designed for children ages 10 and 11, focuses on preventing online exploitation, such as online enticement, sextortion, and GAI victimization, as well as providing resources to report and access support.
Into the Cloud™ presents important safety information in an age-appropriate and entertaining manner!
Watch the new episode "GOTCHA!"
Watch videos, play games, and download activities for kids at
By the Numbers
The average age at which a child gets a cellphone in the U.S. is 10 years old.1
of kids report having been cyberbullied in their lifetime.2
Reports of Online Exploitation of children increased over 97% last year.
2 The Annual Bullying Survey 2017(Rep.). (2017, July). Retrieved February, 2019, from Ditch the Label website:
Using Into the Cloud™
Each episode of Into the Cloud™ is between 3-6 minutes long, making them ideal for a variety of environments, from technology class to afterschool and home use.
Each episode has a corresponding discussion guide that can be used in one-on-one and small group settings.
Additionally, classroom activities on the themes of trust, identity, and reputation are available for use with both seasons!
Keep kids engaged after the episodes with "Cloud Chaos!" the Into the Cloud™ game, available online at, and in the app store.
For useful tips on teaching online safety, be sure to check out this free on-demand training, and many others, available on
Program Resources
ITC Season 3
NEW ITC PowerPoint Presentation
Teaching Modern Safety with "Into the Cloud" Season 3 "GOTCHA!" for Upper Elementary
Time: 15–40 minutes
Description: This presentation is flexible. After watching the 5-minute video, use the PowerPoint to reinforce some of the topics discussed. If you choose to facilitate the entire presentation, it should take about 40 minutes, including the video. Alternatively, you can present a selection of slides, rewatch the video later, and cover the remaining slides in a separate session.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify red flags in a relationship (recognize these three red flags as part of the grooming process)
- What to do (steps to take when encountering unsafe situations)
NEW ITC Episode Guide
Season 3 Episode Guide "GOTCHA!" for Upper Elementary
Time: 15–40 minutes
Description: This facilitator guide includes five different components. You can watch the video multiple times and use a different activity each time to help learners engage with and reinforce the important topics covered.
Learning Objectives:
- Healthy relationships
- Upstander behaviors
- Balancing online and offline activities
- How and where to report concerns