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Click on pictures for full bios and information.

leadership, portrait

Michelle C. DeLaune

Chief Executive Officer

Leadership, Portrait

Derrick Driscoll

Chief Operating Officer

profile headshot

Paul J. Beriault, CPA

Chief Financial Officer

profile headshot

Yiota G. Souras

Chief Legal Officer

thumbnail, headshot, simintha esson

Simintha Esson

Chief Development Officer

profile headshot

John Shehan

Senior Vice President,
Exploited Children Division & International Engagement

leadership, portrait

Derek Bezy

Vice President,
Technology Division

profile, headshot, image, leadership,

John E. Bischoff III

Vice President,
Missing Children Division

rofile, headshot, image, leadership,

Marsha Butler

Vice President,
Human Resources

leadership, portrait

Stacy Garrett

Vice President,
Content & Community Engagement

Marsha Gilmer-Tullis

Vice President,
Family Advocacy Division

Stacy LaRosa

Vice President,
Special Projects & Administration

leadership, portrait

Gavin Portnoy

Vice President,
Communications & Brand Division

profile headshot

Staca Shehan

Vice President,
Analytical Services Division

Board of Directors

Click on pictures for full bios and information.

Board of Directors bio picture

Jon Grosso
Board Chair

Individual Board Seat
Senior Retail Executive

Board of Directors, bio, picture

The Honorable Regina Schofield
Individual Board Seat
Battelle Education

Board of Directors bio picture

Revé Walsh
Vice Chair
Individual Board Seat
Co-Founder, NCMEC

Individual Board Seats

thumbnail, tamara asher

Tamara Asher
Individual Board Seat
National Association of Manufacturers

thumbnail, kate beck

Kate Beck
Individual Board Seat
Human Resources Expert

Board of Directors bio picture

Robbie Callaway *
Individual Board Seat
FirstPIC, Inc.

Chay Carter

Chay Carter
Individual Board Seat
Artists Equity

Board of Directors bio picture

 The Honorable Barbara Comstock
Individual Board Seat
Former Member of Congress

headshot of man in suit smiling

Manus Cooney *
Individual Board Seat
American Continental Group

thumbnail, matt foosaner, leadership

Matthew Foosaner
Individual Board Seat
RingCentral, Inc. 

Board of Directors bio picture

Vincent P. Giuliano
Individual Board Seat
Marketing Expert

Board of Directors bio picture

William Gross
Individual Board Seat
Boston Police Department, Retired

Board of Directors bio picture

 Senator Heidi Heitkamp
Individual Board Seat
Former Senator

board, leadership, headshot, thumbnail

Sean Joyce
Individual Board Seat

Board of Directors bio picture

Richard Kolodziej *
Individual Board Seat
Zenergy Advisors

Board of Directors bio picture

Meghan Latcovich
(Temporary Leave of Absence)
Individual Board Seat
The McCain Institute

Board of Directors bio picture

Leonard Pfeiffer IV
Individual Board Seat
Leonard Pfeiffer & Company

Board of Directors bio picture

Karen Quintos
Individual Board Seat

Board of Directors bio picture

Kristi Remington
Individual Board Seat
West Front Strategies LLC

Board of Directors bio picture

Karen Robb
Individual Board Seat
Retired Congressional Counsel and Legislative Analyst   

Board of Directors bio picture

Royleen Ross, PhD
Individual Board Seat
Psychologist and Author

Board of Directors bio picture

Steve Salem
Individual Board Seat
Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation

Board of Directors, bio, picture

Robert E. Trono
Individual Board Seat
Lockheed Martin Corporation

Kenneth Valentine Board of Directors bio picture

Kenneth Valentine
Individual Board Seat
Event Speaker & Author

Board of Directors bio picture

John Walsh
Individual Board Seat
Co-Founder, NCMEC

Corporate Board Seats

Board of Directors bio picture

Michael Breslin
Corporate Board Seat
LexisNexis Special Services, Inc.

Board of Directors, bio, picture

 Jeff Collins
Corporate Board Seat
Amazon Web Services


board leadership headshot thumbnail

Torrie Dorrell
Corporate Board Seat
The Pokémon Company International

board bio leadership

Courtney Gregoire
Corporate Board Seat

Jenn Huffstetler, smiling lady with long brown hair

Jennifer Huffstetler
Corporate Board Seat

thumbnail, Christine Lentz

Christine Lentz
Corporate Board Seat

Board of Directors bio picture

Chris Nelson
Corporate Board Seat
Gap Inc.

Board of Directors bio picture

John Penn II
Corporate Board Seat

* Previous Board Chair